Aqua Safe Swim School

Mothers at Lessons

For “Group Classes”, mothers may watch the last 5 minutes of Lesson 3 & Lesson 6.
This is the time to watch your child’s progress and to talk to the instructor for a minute if you have any concerns.Please understand, having mothers at all/some of the time is disruptful for the children and the instructor.

Mothers of kids in 3-5.5 year old groups: You may be there the first 10 minutes of Lesson 1, then the last 5 minutes of Lesson 3 and Lesson 5. Prepare your child – that you will be with them for a bit and then take leave, as all other moms.

Mothers of “Private Classes” may stay, although it is often best if you leave. Small children learn best when they build a relationship with the instructor. Having the mothers there, disrupts that relationship as kids turn to their mothers instead of focusing on their instructors.

Rain Dates

RAIN DATES: For light to medium rain, we usually have class-children don’t feel it much in the heated pool. If there’s heavy rains or storms, or weather 68 degrees or cooler.

Please call 732-210-6633, and listen to see if there’s updated info. No updates means class is as scheduled. Any canceled class will be rescheduled; please listen to my voice message by calling 732-210-6633, 24 hour later for make-up info

Make Up Policy

MAKE-UPS: If you need to miss a class, we have a No make-up policy. However, We will offer one free make-up class for Friday, July 12, Girls at 3 pm, boys at 3:35 pm on Vine Street. 

Refer-A-Friend Raffle

Our happy customers are our best referrals. Thank you for referring us to your friends, neighbors and your child’s classmates. For each family that joins because of you, you will be entered into a raffle drawing for a Free Aqua Safe Swim Session, 6 lessons; refer 5 families=5 raffle tickets. Email us at to let us know which families you referred, by July 15, and we’ll enter the raffle tickets for you. Winner will be notified.

Help us Help Others

Help us spread the word. For each time you post our info on your WA Status, chats, groups, we will enter you into the raffle. 8 posts is 8 tickets. Send us a WA, text or email to request the picture or text you should post (248.979.0834) Please email by July 15 and let us know the amount of times you posted, where and when you posted. Winner will be notified.


 Call us at 732.210.6633 or email us at Our secretaries will respond within a few days. Alternatively, fill out a form in the Contact Us Tab.

Bathing Caps

Girls must wear bathing caps. This protects their hair from pool chemicals and it protects the pool filter. They are available for sale as you register and at the pool $10


Goggles are optional. They are recommended for those who may be sensitive to the water. A full mask/scuba dive type of Goggles, that cover the eyes and nose is recommended for extreme cases, when client is very sensitive to the water going up their nose.

Swim Bags

Swim Bags are available for sale. Please purchase it when registering on our website $10

Boys Classes

Aqua Safe maintains high standards of modesty while teaching boys to swim. Boys through age of 7 are taught by a female instructor in the pool, while wearing modest attire. Boys ages 8-12 are taught while the female instructor is at the poolside. We’ve been doing this for many years, and it works very well, especially once they can float. Fathers may drop off children but at NO time should enter the pool area.
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