Aqua Safe Swim School

Swim Level Assessment Form

If you unsure which level your child needs, use this Assessment Form.
At the end of the Form, you will understand what level your child needs to be registered for.

In addition, a brief description of each level follows the Assessment Form.

Assessment Form

Your child age 6 and up should start with Level 1, Beginners (unless they can already float on their front AND back) If your child is younger, he/she should register for 3 - 5.5 year old class. We also have a Mom and Me class for children ages 4 months thru age 6.

Your child belong in Level 1. We teach children to float on front and back, and more

See next question

Your child belongs in Level 2. We teach them 2 back strokes, and to come up for air, so they swim further. Choose a class for Level 2 or Level 2/3

(note: children must be able to float or swim on both front and back to be in this level)

Your child belongs in Level 1.

Your child belongs in Level 3. We get your child ready to pass the deep water test. Find a class for Level 3 or Level 2/3.

Your child belongs in Level 2. Find a class for Level 2 or Level 2/3.

Your child belongs in Level 4, or Level 4/5

Your child may belong in Level 3, 2, 1. See above questions.

This is a great class for 3-5.5 years old to get acclimated in the water… AND we also teach them to swim on their front and back. In these 5 classes, 25 minutes each, many kids float for a few feet, some float a few yards, and all gain lots of confidence. Some of these classes are offered as separate genders, some are mixed. 

For beginners, who do not float on front AND back yet. If your child does one, but not both, he/she still needs Level 1. Our goal is to get your child to float on front and back for 10 seconds. Some kids will master Level 1 in the 3rd or 4th class, and continue right into level 2. Be surprised…some kids pass both Level 1 and 2 in the 6 classes!

For kids who can float on front and back approximately 1/3  way across the width of the pool. We’ll learn to swim, come up to breathe and swim further, learn 2 different back strokes and refine the front stroke. This level is often combined with Level 3 as the skills are similar.

For kids who can float & swim, front and back, for approximately ¾ across the width of the pool, has already learnt one or two different backstrokes (monkey-airplane-soldier) and is getting ready to pass the deep-water test. We’ll learn how to come up for air, learn rhythmic breathing well, tread water, and attempt to pass the deep-water test. Note: For some, this is a harder level to pass.

For deep water swimmers; we’ll refine each stroke and add new strokes and dives, and work on endurance (building up strength and swimming for longer amounts of time.) 

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