Aqua Safe Swim School

The following are the addresses and info on all our locations. Use the location you registered for.

Lakewood, NJ:

  1. Morning Pool-1200 14th Near Fernwood, between Madison (Route 9) and Hope Rd. Please, park on 14th street. Walk to the area of the garbage cans, follow the path all around the house, step onto the wooden patio and go further. On your right, there will be glass doors. Proceed to the third glass door and slide to the right. You will be entering the back of the house, into the pool area; this is an indoor heated pool.
  1. 550 Vine Ave. (or sometimes referred to 550 Vine Street.), Lakewood, It’s a brown house, the last house on a dead-end street, on the left side. (This is a block BEHIND Bais Kaila, not in Bais Kaila). It does not show up on all navigation apps. Please leave yourself extra time to find it. You can get it from Pine or Spruce. Proceed to the side of the house (right side, when facing the front of the house) go down a short path, and veer to the left when you see the pool in front of you, to find the door. Please close the doors.
  2. From Pine Rd to Washington Ave turn right onto Green Street and right on Vine.
  3. From Spruce to Washington, left on Green Street and right on Vine.
  1. 606 Apollo Road, Lakewood, in Whispering Pines, near Squankum and County Line, near the Wawa. Park on the street. Proceed to the gate and enter the backyard, located at the right of the house. Please close the doors.

Toms River, NJ:

 1244 Wilkinson Drive, Toms River, off of Old Freehold Rd, near Route 9 and not too far from New Hampshire. Park on the street, walk up the driveway to the white gate, walk all the way to the right and you will see another white gate. Enter. Please close the doors.

Jackson, NJ:

 5 Cranberry Court, Jackson. Off of East Veterans Highway, near Aisle 9 and close to Westgate

(You may see a storge unit in the driveway). Park on the street. Walk up the driveway, and you’ll see a black aluminum fence. Go thru the gate, into the backyard and the pool will be visible. Please close the doors.

 Southfield, MI:

 17208 Goldwin Drive, Southfield. Park on the street, but do not park within 8 yards of ANY mailboxes- best is to park on the opposite side of the house – there are no mailboxes there. Proceed to the left of the house (as you face the house), go thru the white gate, and then another white gate. Please close the gate door.

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